There may be times when you can’t go out and let your toddler spend her energy. At times like these, it’s helpful to know what you can do with an energetic toddler indoors. Here are some examples:
Let off steam with physical activities
All kids hone their physical skills through play. At this stage, physical play is all about running and jumping, throwing and catching. Channel your toddler’s energy by getting her involved in these fun physical activities.
Indoor sports and games
You don’t have to go outside to teach your toddler games like cricket, badminton, bowling, football, mini-golf, mini-basketball, and so on. Most of these can be adapted and played indoors. Make space in the drawing room, dining area or long corridor and get started.
Dancing is a fun way to get your child moving and develop her sense of rhythm! Clear some space, turn on the music (not too loud, of course) and let your toddler dance to her favourite tunes. Siblings and other family members can also be part of the fun.
Household chores
Household chores are a great way to teach responsibility. In the early years though, the real value is not so much getting things done around the house as it is instilling the helping habit.
Start with simple jobs such as putting night clothes away in the morning and picking up toys every evening before bed. You could ask your child to pass clothes pegs while you hang your laundry, or carry spoons to the table.
Be sure to tell her what a great job she’s doing and remind her much she’s helping you out. Clap and praise her every time she does a good job.
Don’t expect perfection. No child is going to perform every chore willingly every time and certainly not a 2 or 3 year old!
Toddlers take great delight in the challenge of puzzles, and learn shapes and colours along the way.
You can easily make puzzles at home using pictures and colouring pages. Paste them on a stiff paper and cut them in different shapes. There are plenty of options online too.
Try to get puzzles of pictures she recognizes or subjects she’s interested in. The more times she puts the same puzzle together, the quicker and more delighted she’ll become.